Information & Services
Emergency services
Pharmacy: Waldrasterstraße 12, Tel.: 62070
Mon - Fri : 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.,
Sat : 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
All the pharmacies at a glance
G.P>: Dr. Somavilla
Riehlstraße, 32b, Tel.: 62257
Find doctors in the surrounding area
Hypo Bank Tirol, Waldrasterstraße 2, Tel.: 62888
Raiffeisenkasse Fulpmes, Kirchstraße 3, Tel.: 62319
Air emergency – Rescue and emergency services
Air ambulance: Tyrolean Air Ambulance: 0512/22 422 100
Air Police and Air Rescue service from the Federal Ministry of the Interior: 1777
Int. Air Rescue services Austria: 02732/700 07
Air ambulance: 40 144
Air Ambulance Vienna: 0664/34056 98
Emergency rescue helicopter Christophorus: 144
Credit card loss/Block credit cards
American Express: 0800/900 940
Mastercard/Eurocard: 01/717 01-4500
Card complete-locking service (Visa and MasterCard): 01/711 11-770
Maestro (ATM): 0800/204 88 00
Air Plus Travel Card: 01/501 35-0
Riehlstraße 3, 6166 Fulpmes
059 133 7112
Fire service
Emergency doctor
Mountain rescue
140 SMS emergency call for the deaf and hard of hearing: 0800 133 133
Gas emergency